The Hanford Chamber Foundation will be assisting the City of Hanford in coordinating the Financial Sponsors of the Winter Wonderland Ice Rink!
Sponsorship opportunities open July 1st and will continue for the duration of the Ice Rink. We are offering 7 different levels of sponsorship with the top four tiers being limited to the amount available. This year we are offering new added benefits which include an exclusive Thursday Night Pre-Grand Opening Skate Night for sponsors only! All opportunities are first come first served. Those purchasing the Premier Level Packages will have first rights to the package every year after.
Please click on the image below to access our Sponsor Package Portfolio. The final page will direct you to the hyperlink to submit your application for Sponsorship. An invoice will be sent via email by the next business day and must be paid in full within 7 days.
If you have any questions please contact our Director, Amory Marple at 559-582-0483 or